
Do It Yourself - Water Hose Blog

Posted by Teknor Apex on Jul 22, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Summer is right around the corner, and everyone is excited about the warm weather. As a family, you might be thinking of ways to have fun while staying cool. One of the best ways to do that is by setting up your own stock tank pool. It's an easy DIY project that's both fun and affordable. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps of creating a stock tank pool that will make your backyard the Oasis your family needs.

Step One: Choose Your Stock Tank

The first thing you need to do is choose your stock tank. You can find one at your local farm supply store or online. The sizes of these tanks vary, but the most popular sizes are 8' or 10' round and 2' or 3' deep. Make sure the tank is made of galvanized steel so that it doesn't rust. You'll also want to ensure that it has a drain plug at the bottom.


stock tank

Step Two: Prepare the Surface

Before filling your tank with water, you need to prepare the surface. This means leveling the ground where your tank will sit. Make sure the ground is smooth, and there are no rocks or sharp objects that could tear the tank's bottom. You can use sand or gravel to create a stable base. You may also want to put a tarp beneath the tank or use foam pool pads. Doing this will protect the tank from any sharp objects that may be buried.

Step Three: Install the Pool Pump and Filter

Once your tank is installed, it's time to install the pump and filter system. These will ensure that your water stays clean and safe for swimming through the summer. There are many affordable pool pump and filter systems that you can purchase online or from your local pool supply store. Make sure that you read the instructions carefully when setting up the system.

Step Four: Fill Your Tank

Now it's time to fill your tank with water. You can use a garden hose and fill the tank until it reaches the desired water level. Make sure the water level is about 6 inches below the top of the tank. Be patient and let the water sit overnight before adding any chemicals. This will help you to understand the tank's water texture and chemistry.

Step Five: Add Chemicals And Enjoy

Last, but not least, you need to add the chemicals. These are important to keep the water clean and safe. Adding chemicals will help to reduce bacteria in the pool that may cause rashes and other skin irritations. It will also help to balance the PH level of pool water. There are many different types of pool chemicals that you can purchase at your local pool supply store. Make sure that you read the instructions carefully to a better understanding of the quantities that you need to add. Once you've added the chemicals, it's time to jump in and enjoy the refreshing and safe water.

Creating your own stock tank pool is easy, affordable, and can provide a summer's worth of fun for the entire family. Building and maintaining a stock tank pool doesn't need to be difficult, by following the steps we laid out, you can have your own summer oasis right in your own backyard throughout the warm season. With a stock tank pool, you can stay cool, create everlasting memories, and enjoy some quality time with the family. With these essential tips, you can have a successful and safe summer stock tank pool experience. What are you waiting for? Get started now and make memories that will last a lifetime!

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