
Do It Yourself - Water Hose Blog

Posted by Teknor Apex on Jun 28, 2017 2:50:55 PM

How often to water grass seed

Sure, Lawns Need Water. But To Keep Your Grass Green and Growing, You Need to Know When and How Much.


If you’re like most American homeowners, watering the lawn, shrubs, vegetables and flowers falls under the same umbrella: turn on the hose and spray everything, equally and simultaneously. End of story. But does a zucchini growing in dappled shade require the same amount of water as a brand new lawn in full sun? The answer, quite simply, is no.


The Lawn and The Short of It

Watering Tips

If only there were one rule of thumb for watering lawns, wouldn’t it be a greener world? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple – but it’s not that complicated either. Wondering how often to water grass seed? Newly seeded lawns are needy and will probably require an even watering schedule. During the 5 to 30 days it takes new seed to sprout, the goal is to keep it moist all the time, but never soggy. Be patient, because seeds grow at different speeds. Hint: if there’s mud on your shoes after watering, take it down a notch! Well-established lawns usually need about an inch of water weekly. How do you gauge that? The old fashioned way. Place a few straight-sided containers (like coffee mugs) on the lawn, water as usual and then drop a ruler into them. Of course, you should adjust your watering routine according to temperature, rainfall and your own good sense.


How often to water vegetables

How Much Water Do Vegetables Eat Up?

Is there anything more satisfying than tossing the first salad made from your own backyard produce? We think not. But vegetable gardens and lawns pose distinctly different H2O requirements. During weather that’s hot and dry, vegetables should be watered two or three times a week, following an “inch a week” rule of thumb. And since we’re talking about your green thumb, why not stick it into the soil? If the top inch is dry, turn on the hose. For another clue, observe how fast or slow water absorbs into the soil.


Some Drops of Valuable Information to Absorb


Watering tips

 Overwatering is a soggy mess, and can lead to disease and shallow roots


•  Early morning is the best time to water. Later in the day, heat can evaporate moisture.


 Don’t mow too low! Taller grass shades and cools the ground, reducing moisture loss.


•  Dull mower blades rip grass instead of cutting it, leaving your grassexposed to the sun and needing more water.


•  Fertilizing in the summer causes grass to grow – and crave more water.


•  Trees hold on to moisture, and that’s a good thing for the surrounding greenery.


It doesn’t matter whether your castle sits atop an acre of green, or nestles in a cozy patch of shade. There’s an Teknor Apex hose for every watering situation.




Topics: Lawncare

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