A Bouquet of Homegrown Beauty Is The Gardener’s Sweetest Reward.
All the planting, pruning and pampering has led to your perennials in their full glory! So pat yourself on the back, grab some shears and reap what you have grown.
Some of the most popular cutting perennials include lilies, phlox, irises, peonies, aster – the list is boundless. Plant a few showstoppers, like peonies and calla lilies, that deliver dramatic impact as the centerpiece for even a small bouquet. The golden rule when it comes to selecting flowers to cut is, plant what you love.
Where It Begins
Your approach to planting perennials to cut can vary. Many thoughtful gardeners create a separate “cutting bed” so the balance and abundance of the “primary” flowerbeds won’t be compromised. You can design cutting beds by color, too. Let’s say your kitchen is Country French with lots of royal blue. You might envision nothing but yellow bouquets for it – so go out and plant your supply. While showy blossoms are wonderful, don’t forget about greenery and some smaller, “filler” flowers for those in between spaces. Flowers with vertical, spikey blossoms – like salvia, blazing star and veronica – make a great supporting cast.
Assemble your bouquet in the early morning, using the affordable floral shears you bought. (Keep the blade clean and sharp.) Give each flower you cut the longest stem possible, cut at an angle and put them in water immediately. Once arranged, any greenery that lands below the water’s surface isn’t needed. At least every day or two, change the water, removing any dead leaves or soggy debris. Be sure to follow these simple flower arrangement tips for the best bouquet results.
Contain The Beauty
It can be anything from an elegant porcelain vase to an old milk bottle. Just make sure your bouquet is enhanced by – and not fighting with – its container. Putting aesthetics aside, the container’s job is to provide proper support. It should be tall enough to hold stems upright, with an opening that’s perfectly suited to the size of the bouquet. An opening that’s too small will crush your stems. If it’s too wide, they’ll flop, making your bouquet look puny. Lastly, don’t hesitate to get creative. Use colored glass pebbles in a clear vase, or wrap an ordinary container in burlap, like we’ve shown.
You can’t control whether the sun decides to shine on your beautiful perennials, but you can control giving them lots to drink. You’re one click away from discovering the best hose you’ve ever had!