
Do It Yourself - Water Hose Blog

Posted by Teknor Apex on Aug 19, 2023 12:30:00 AM

August is the perfect time to hit the road and take a long drive, but the soaring summer temperatures can take a toll on your vehicle's exterior. The good news is that with a little effort and the right equipment, you can keep your car looking its best despite the heat. In this post, we'll show you how to give your ride a DIY car wash that'll leave it sparkling and clean no matter how hot it gets.


car washing

1. Gather Your Supplies - Before you start washing your car, you need to gather all the necessary supplies. You'll need a bucket, car wash soap, two microfiber or soft cotton towels, a zero-G or Neverkink hose, and a nozzle. If you have a pressure washer, even better! It'll speed up the process and get your car even cleaner.

2. Rinse Your Car - Start by rinsing off your car with a hose or pressure washer. This will remove any loose dirt and debris from your car's exterior before you start washing it. Be sure to get every nook and cranny, including the wheels and undercarriage.

3. Suds It Up - Fill up your bucket with water and add the car wash soap. Mix it up with your hand or a foam gun attachment for your pressure washer. Once you have your mixture ready, start washing your car from the top down with a microfiber or soft cotton towel. Remember to rinse the towel frequently in your bucket to avoid scratching your car's surface.

4. Rinse Again - After you've sudsed up your entire car, rinse it off with clean water. Again, be sure to get every area, including the wheels and undercarriage, to ensure all the soap is removed.

5. Dry It Off - Use another clean microfiber towel to dry off your car. This will prevent water spots from forming and give your car a nice shiny finish. Make sure to dry the tires and rims as well.

Keeping your car clean in August doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right supplies and a little elbow grease, you can give your ride a DIY car wash and keep it looking its best all summer long. Remember to rinse your car well, use plenty of suds, and dry it off thoroughly to avoid water spots. So, before your next road trip, take some time to give your car the TLC it deserves and enjoy the ride!

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