

Posted by Laura Bianchi on Feb 5, 2016 3:57:25 PM

gardenYou may tend to your plants religiously, giving them all the water and soil they need, but have you forgotten about your lawn? If you're like many, you may fail to realize that the health of your lawn is just as important as your perennials. To have a beautiful lush lawn, you must water and care for it as you would with any one of your other garden plants. We've answered some frequently asked questions to help you learn the basics of watering your lawn.

How does water affect plant growth?
Every gardener knows that plants need water to survive, but many people still struggle to find the perfect balance of water, sunlight, and nutrients from the earth. Above all, water is arguably the most important thing that plants need. Your lawn is no exception.

Too much water can rot the roots and deprive the plant of oxygen. Too little water will hinder the plant’s ability to soak up much needed nutrients from the soil in your garden. Water helps the plant balance out the intake of all the factors that contribute to optimal growth.

How often should I water my lawn? And how much water should I use?
This question is a bit tricky, because every lawn is different. There are several different aspects that determine how often your lawn should be watered to cater to that delicate balance of too much versus too little water. Grass type, soil type, and sun exposure are among some of those factors. Ultimately, experts say one inch of water per session is standard and substantial; this translates to about a half-gallon per square foot of lawn.

If you’re using a hose, it’s best to use a nozzle to get broader coverage. For watering your whole lawn, shy away from the soaker setting and try using a “shower” setting, or something with more even pressure. The optimal pressure in a hose nozzle or sprinkler is above 350 PSI.

How can I conserve water, but still give my landscape the water it needs?
If you’re concerned about water conservation, you may want to invest in a sprinkler system. Standard hoses may release too much water, leading to unnecessary waste. Sprinklers give off an evenly distributed flow to ensure you're not watering one area more heavily than others. Some advanced sprinkler systems may even feature automatic shut-off options, so that you can be sure you’re only using as much water as you need. When it comes to water, efficiency is key.

Water is the secret to a beautiful, green, lush lawn. With a little know-how, you can successfully and efficiently give your lawn the water it needs.Click to edit your new post...

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