Picking out a garden hose is simple, right? Just grab a garden hose from your local store and start watering! Not so fast. There are many aspects that require astute attention when it comes to getting the right hoses for your vegetation. In fact, using hoses from a top hose manufacturer is part of earning the title 'devoted gardener.'
Arm Yourself with Hoses from a Top Hose Manufacturer
Purchasing a hose from a top manufacturer is the first step among many. In fact, consider this to be an official guide when it comes to learning about the right type of hose needed for gardening and outdoor care for the landscaping around your home.
When you want the outside of your home to look spectacular, do not skimp and buy the cheapest hose you can find. It is essential to remember that hoses are not created equal. Innovative technology has made it possible to enjoy using flexible garden hoses that are heavy-duty, lightweight, and never kink. You can even purchase a hose for gardening as long as 100 feet and as short as 25 feet.
The Right Features Will Cover Your Garden Hose Needs
Hoses actually have many features, some in which you may not be aware. Complementary technology has paved the way for hose creation using a variety of compounds from rigid to flexible vinyl, nylon, thermoplastic elastomers, color masterbatches, specialty compounds, and specialty bioplastics and chemicals.
Make an informed decision when purchasing hoses from a top hose manufacturer when you keep certain aspects in mind. You need to use hoses that provide chemical-free water so the water you are using is kept clean and free of toxins. After all, you do not want to kill your grass, vegetables, flowers, or landscaping. Also, you need to be able to conserve water and keep hoses kink-free. Armed with this information you are ready to start a hose shopping spree.
Purchase Garden Hoses Engineered with Gardening in Mind
A serious hose manufacturer has taken the time to truly test their hoses and create the type of hoses that are perfect for gardening. That means you end up dealing with fewer kinks. A kink is a top frustration for gardeners, especially when your water flow is pinched off.
Purchase a hose with an outstanding ability to be moved around your garden and lawn projects with ease. Gardening comes with heavy watering necessities. Being able to use spray attachments on a hose that kinks less is time-saving and very satisfying.
All-Weather Durability and Flexibility Truly Counts
All-weather durability and flexibility should come close to the top of the list when it comes to aspects you want in a gardening hose. A hose manufacturer that has taken the time to create hoses with all-weather flexibility that goes down to 45°F for easy use in colder temperatures is hard to beat.
Well, unless the same hose also is leak-proof, heavy-duty, and has crush-resistant couplings that can withstand up to 1600 pounds of force. Add a female brass insert that will prevent corrosion at your faucet and you’ve got the makings of the perfect heavy-duty gardening hose. Finding the right hose can literally end your water worries.