Water Distribution Blog

How to Prevent Ice Dams This Winter Season

Written by Teknor Apex | Dec 19, 2022 3:50:54 PM


Ice dams can be a common problem during the winter, and if they're not dealt with properly, they can cause water damage to your home. Here are some tips on how to prevent ice dams and water damage to your house.


Ice dams are formed when the snow on your roof melts and the water runs down to the edge of your roof, where it refreezes in your gutters. This process continues until an ice dam is created in your gutter system. Ice dams can cause a real problem for homeowners if not addressed quickly, as they can back up water and cause water damage to your home.


There are several steps you can take to prevent the formation of ice dams on your roof and in your gutters. First, make sure that your attic is well insulated, so that there is no heat leaking up into it from the rest of the house. This will keep the temperature consistent throughout the whole area and prevent the snow on your roof from melting too quickly.


Next, make sure that your gutters are cleared of any debris regularly. This will help water to travel along them freely and not become backed up in one area. It's also a good idea to purchase a gutter guard system or install heated cables along them, as this can help to prevent ice from forming.


Finally, when temperatures are expected to drop below freezing, consider spraying a de-icing agent on your roof and gutters. This will help break up any ice that might form and make it easier to remove if necessary.


If an ice dam does form on your home, it's important to try to address the issue as soon as possible. You can try to use a roof rake or warm water to loosen up and remove any large chunks of ice that have formed. Be sure not to walk on your roof while attempting this, as it could be dangerous and cause further damage.


By following the tips outlined above, you can help prevent ice dams from forming on your home and causing water damage. Taking the proper precautions now can save you a lot of hassle in the future!