Water Distribution Blog

Divide and Conquer: How to Effectively Split Overgrown Plants in Your Garden

Written by Teknor Apex | Apr 22, 2023 12:30:00 PM

Have you ever noticed an unexpected abundance of lush foliage emerging from a single plant in your garden? It can be hard to keep some plants in check and the goal of having an effortless garden oasis can seem impossible. However, there is a way to keep those overgrown plants under control – by splitting them! Splitting plants is not only a simple way to manage their growth, it helps create healthier and more attractive gardens. Read on to find out how easy it is to divide and conquer overgrown plants in your garden.


The first step to success is identifying which plants can be split. Common perennials that respond well to division include irises, daylilies, hostas, and daisies. If you’re not sure if a plant can be divided, check with your local nursery for more information.

Once you’ve identified plants that can be split, it’s time to get started. The best time for splitting is during the spring or fall when the weather is cooler and the soil has been recently moistened. Start by digging a circle around your plant about 12 inches from its center. Then use a shovel to gently lift the root ball out of the ground and onto a tarp. Using two hands, pull the root ball apart into two or more sections. Make sure each division has roots and foliage growing from it.


Next, relocate your newly divided plants to their new homes in your garden. Dig a hole for each division about twice as wide as its root ball and just deep enough so that the top of the root ball is even with the soil’s surface. Also, make sure to space your plants far enough apart so they have room to grow and thrive. After transplanting, give each division a thorough watering to help it settle into its new home.


Finally, take care of your newly divided plants by pruning them as necessary and fertilizing them every few weeks. With a bit of TLC, you’ll soon have an abundance of plants to admire in your garden!